Wednesday 21 October 2015

Rugby World Cup Quarter Finals - Ireland vs Argentina

So lets start from the beginning.....

Two weeks ago my Uncle gave me a quick call as my Auntie hasn't been very well, he was ringing me to give me the opportunity to go to the Rugby World Cup with him in Cardiff to watch Ireland vs Argentina in the quarter finals.

Of course with me being a massive rugby fan I jumped at the chance of going, so for the two weeks I was waiting for an official answer as to whether I would be going or not. So on Saturday (the day before the game) my Uncle called me to let me know that my Auntie would not be going to the game, but there was a catch he also would not be going. This was at 6pm so I have 12 hours to find someone to go with me for an epic day travelling to Cardiff (I live in the Midlands so it was roughly a 2 hour journey each way) I asked Mr P and he was not interested as he isn't the biggest rugby fan so I was racking my brain as to who to take with me. I rang my mum and put the idea to her about my dad coming with me.


So that was it we had to very quickly plan what we where going to do.. so bless my dad he decided to do the driving to Hereford for me for us to be able to catch the train so me being the best daughter ever made him Bacon Sandwiches for the journey.

He picked me up at about 6.30am to be able to get to Hereford to catch our train (more importantly to get a parking space) we where 45 minutes early so popped in to Hereford to have a cup of Tea before the Journey.
We managed to get a seat on the train on the way to Hereford which was great as so many people had to stand up.
Once in Cardiff the atmosphere was amazing so many different people singing and drinking, people were trying to sell tickets last minute, people selling scarves and flags and people doing face painting (which I would do if I wasn't allergic to it)
We tried to meet up with my cousins before getting to the stadium but I just couldn't here them on the end of the phone it was sooooooooooooooo noisy!
So we decided to meet them in the stadium. Walking to the stadium with a sea of people in Green and Light Blue was an experience and just having random people talking to me was different. I get a little bit panicky in busy places and my anxiety started to kick in. 
We got searched going in to the stadium as your not allowed to take any bottles in which is understandable.
We managed to meet up with one of my cousins and her partner before the match as we where sat next to each other which was brilliant my dad decided to buy all the drinks (which for a stadium were a really good price) 
The game was really good it was a shame that Ireland lost but Argentina completely out played them and deserved the win. The singing of the National Anthems gave me goose bumps as the Millennium Stadium had the roof closed which made it so much louder. We where sat with a group of Irish supporters all around us which made the experience so much better.
At the end of the match it was like a stampede trying to get out the stadium but my dad and I decided to stay a bit until more of the supporters had left just to make it easier for us.

The train journey back was shocking they had only provided 2 carriages for a start and the amount of people that had to cram on the train. Dad and I managed to get on but we had to stand, and the amount of people pushing against us was stupid. I got a little worked up 

All in all the experience was amazing, and its something I wont be able to do again for a long time. I am so glad for the opportunity I just wish it was on a better occasion.

Speak to you all soon 

Laura x

Friday 14 August 2015

The Fun Question's Tag

I always want to be able to post really good things on my blog for you guys but sometimes I completely have a brain meltdown so I have done this Tag to cover one day as I don't want to let you down.

So here are the questions and my answers :)

When is your Birthday (you don't have to include the year if you don't want to)
11th April :)

What are your 3 favourite colours?
Purple, Silver, Navy

Are you addicted to YouTube?
A little bit I do enjoy watching a number of people and I have recently started to create my channel again

What are your 3 favourite shops?
Well this one is an easy one my favourites are
New Look

Do you like your name?
I do actually really like my name

If you had the choice to pick your own name what would it be?
I love the name Jasmin so probably that

Do you wear Make-Up ?
I do wear it most days but sometimes its just nice to have a none make up day

If you could write a book what would the title be and what would it be about?
I would probably call it The Independent Girl and it would be able someone who comes from a dysfunctional family but works her way up to everything she dreams about

What makes you cry?
Loads of things make me cry I am a right wimp

What makes you angry?
People who drive like idiots, I have driven past and been involved in a number of accidents that didn't need to happen if people just drove sensible

What are your favourite snacks?
I love Marmite so this on toast or bread is perfect for me
I also like the odd pack of crisps

What is your favourite drink?
I do love a good Iced Tea 

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I am adopted, I lived with my family for 24 years then moved in to a flat with my boyfriend. I have worked since the age of 16 and have been made redundant 4 times in this period. I love food and cooking cupcakes. I am also a rugby player

What are 10 Random facts about you?
I have size 3 feet
I have anxiety when it comes to crowds
I love animals (I currently can only have fish in my flat)
I love taking Photographs
I can't remember the last time I didn't dye my hair
I love a good action film
I make a mean Cottage Pie (which I put Baked Bean in)
I am obsessed with PUGS I will own one!!
I love holidays in England (well Cornwall to be precise)
I am allergic to Wasp's and Cat Fur

What are your favourite things to do?
I love a weekend when I don't have to leave the flat or when Scott and I get time together and don't have to have plans. They are the best to be able to order a pizza and have a film night. But I do love our little trips out to the beach which is roughly an hour and a half away from where we live.

I hope you have liked this little Tag post please feel free to post yours below also leave me your blog links and I am always looking for new people to follow 

Follow me on the below

Twitter - Follow Me Here <---
Blogger - Follow Me Here <---
Instagram - Follow Me Here <---

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Couple of Weeks Break from Blogging

Hi everyone,

So I decided that I needed a little break from writing my Blog.
I have had my blog for just over a year now and I have tried to write on it at least once a week.
My issue recently has been that with my 2 jobs I haven't physically or mentally had the time to be able to sit for a good few hours and write blog posts and I am sorry for this!

But now I am back and I am in the right frame of mind to do this.
I have even decided to go back to starting my youtube channel :)

Please let me know in the comments what your favourite videos are and also please send me links to your blogs and I am looking for new blogs to read and start to follow



Sunday 28 June 2015

REVIEW - Sanctuary Spa - White Lily & Damask Rose Body Wash


Sanctuary Spa has always been one of my favourite products and I tend to get a lot of it for either Christmas's or Birthday's! I have been a fan of these products for such a long time. All their products smell incredible, and the quality is brilliant considering the cost of the products.

The White Lily & Damask Rose Body Wash retails at £5.50. This body wash is infused with bursting beads, water lily and jojoba seed oil which leaves the skin thoroughly cleansed and nourished. The body was is a nice, thick gel which lathers up in to a nice rich foam.

This is a product I highly recommend it doesn't leave me with dry irrataed skin like a number of other products do and the scent from this is amazing and stayed on my skin for most of the day. I love how much of a lather this created and I feel the product cleansed and moistered my skin.

Friday 19 June 2015

OOTD - Wedding Time

So as I said in my last post (link here!!) today is Hannah and Simon's wedding (Mr P's little sister)

We have all made our way to Middleton Lodge in Richmond South Yorkshire for this stunning day.

Here is a sneek peak at my outfit

Dress is from Wallis
Shoes are from New Look
Head Piece is from BHS
The flower is a silk flower so I am able to reuse it for more weddings

Here is also a sneeky peak at Mr P and I all dressed up looking very smart!

Thanks for reading

Sunday 7 June 2015

REVIEW - Soap and Glory Face Soap and Clarity Vitamin C Facial Wash

This is one of my new favourites, I was very pleased to discover this three in one cleanser. It is a purifying, detoxify, smoothing cleanser for all skin types.
This is a cute blue colour with little scrubbing beads inside it. You only have to use a small amount of this product mixed with a little water, this will provide a great lather to cleanse your entire face.  It is a gel wassh which foams up.
I tend to use this in the morning when I have my shower and it helps me wake up. Due to the refreshing citrus smell and the hint of Mint which leaves my face tingling for about and hour after using it.
When I tend to use cleansers they usually leave my skin very dry after but this one doesn't which really suprised me. It locks in the moisture while giving my skin a nice refreshed brightening glow and does a good job at deep cleaning. The smell of this product isn't too over powering which for me is a good thing as they usually are way to strong!!
Main Bits about this
- It has a superfruit in it called YUZI which is a skin energising, toning and brightening antioxidant complex pressed from natural Chinese Citrus fruits
- A super-tasking Vitamin and Amino Acids - to help refresh improve radiance and apperance of blemishes
- Glycerin - to help skin feel soft and supple
- Gentle polishing Microbeads - to exfoliate and resurface the skin
All in all I do really like this product and believe I might even buy some more of it!!!

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Review - Garnier Body - Oil Beauty Scrub

I have heard so many people talking about this product from my mum to youtubers so I thought I have to give it a go and write a little review.
I always love to find a good body scrub, I decided if so many people are raving about it I might as well try it myself so off I trotted to Boots to buy it for myself.
I was very surprised when I saw it was on a little offer (to me offers are the greatest!!!)
It's suppose to exfoliate, nourish and illuminate skin. It has 4 beautifying oils, Argan, Macadamia, Almond and Rose Oil and boosts that it is for dull and dry Skin.
Its enriched with extracts of cupuacu seeds, the scrub exfoliates all the dead skin cells and leaves the skin looking and feeling visibly more radiant and smells amazing. The scrub is yellow in colour with small red and brown seeds.
This scrub left me a little red to start with but that is mainly my own fault as I tend to rub it a little too hard in to my skin.
All in all I really liked this product and I am always on the look out for more products.

Sunday 24 May 2015

Review - Garnier Body - Ultimate Regenerating Oil

For me Spring/Summer is the time where I start to seriously think about looking after my skin and revamping my body care routine so when I saw this product I had to buy it purely for the fact the packaging was purple. I know I am a sucker for purple.
This is the Garnier Body Ultimate Regenerating Oil Anti-Age Skin Perfector.
It is a wonderful light spray oil, and it contains 4 naturally derived oils from Pomegranate, Camella, Jojoba to Geranium plus a load of Vitamin E to help protect and pamper that wonderful skin of yours, leaving you feeling very soft.
This is a none greasy oil spray which for me is amazing as I am sick of not feeling like I have rubbed it in enough. I also noticed that, even if I put clothes straight after it doesn't transfer on to my clothes.
You only require a few pumps of this product for your whole body and it is very nourishing. It smells amazing.
This is defiantly a product I will be buy more often as this is now a staple in my body routine.
Disclaimer - Products mentioned in this post have been brought with my own money this is was not given to me.

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Review - No7 Early Defence Day Cream

I have recently started to believe that I need to be protecting my skin and why not start early. I bought the No7 Early Defence Day Cream recently and I have been using it everyday under my foundation and powder.
This cream is a little brilliant worker. My dry skin has become soft and not at all flaky now. The smell of the cream is also wonderful I have used many creams in the past which have had a horrible smell to them!
This product is unique as it has Double Defence Technology and superlight formulations which is specially designed to keep your skin looking younger for longer.
For me this is perfect as it is super light not like the thick and heavy moisturisers you can buy, this also have SPF15 and a 5 star UVA protection.

Disclaimer - All products in my blog have been brought by myself with my own money. If I am reviewing a product which has been given to me to try I will only review it if I like it and believe in it. I will not review anything which I don't agree with or like.

Tuesday 7 April 2015

Bobbi Brown - Hydrating Face Tonic REVIEW!

Hello Beauty's

I wanted to review this product for you as I  have picked it up recently and added it straight in to my daily cleansing and moisturizing routine.

This tonic has saved my skin from so many different situations. I have a combination of oily skin that drastically dries in the winter and becomes oily in warmer months. This tonic has helped my winter frustrations of red and flaky skin and restores the proper hydration balance to my skin after using such harsh cleansers. In the warmer months, I feel this tonic calms down my oil production and provides enough hydration, so I can actually forego the moisturizer step during the day. Sometimes, depending on the humidity, any cream applied to my face (no matter how lightweight and oil-free) still feels heavy and instantly makes my face perspire. I hate that feeling right before I put on my make up, so I either just use the tonic or apply a light serum prior to my make up and I still feel hydrated and lightweight. My only con is the dispenser, which allows for the product to come out easily and soaks quickly into my cotton pad. A little goes a long way with this tonic.

This products can be brought directly from Bobbi Brown for £18.00.
I would highly recommend this product and it has become a staple in my daily routine

Tuesday 31 March 2015

Review - Wen Sweet Almond Mint Cleansing Conditioner

WEN Cleansing Conditioner claims to make hair shiny and manageable. Did it work for me? Read more to find out.

WEN Cleansing Conditioner
Wen Cleansing Conditioner is a revolutionary new concept in hair car. A 5-in-1 formula, this one product takes the place of your shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioner, detangler and leave in conditioner. It cleanses hair thoroughly but without lathering and all the harsh ingredients that may be found in ordinary shampoos - it is designed so it won't strip your hair and scalp of their natural oils. Your hair is left with sheen, moisture, manageability and better colour retention.

I must say all those claims make it sound very tempting. I mean, who doesn't love a multipurpose product? Looking at the 480ml bottle, I was convinced that it would last me a long time. Plus, I love the fact that it is SLS free.
This directions on the bottle say you need to apply 10-15 pumps of the product. To start with, the pump didn't work for me. I tried pumping numerous times, it just didn't want to work as the product is so thick in texture.
I followed the directions to a tee and I have to say, I absolutely loved the minty sensation and enjoyed applying it. The smell for me was one of the main reasons I enjoyed this product. This product does clean my hair, and makes it soft and very manageable but it does not make my hair any shinier than it normally is. Also, you run out of the product in under a month since you need to apply so much of it. On top of that, it is pretty expensive. 

This is retailing on Amazon at £28.00

Wednesday 11 March 2015

The Beauty Blogger Tag

I saw the beauty blogger tag a couple of years ago and haven't ever really got round to writing mine so I thought as I had an evening off I would have a go!

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight
My natural hair is frizzy!
2. What is your natural hair colour
Light Brown but I haven't been that colour for a long time

3. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon
I dye it myself

4. How often do you wash your hair
I was my hair every other day

5. Do you wear the same style every day or change it
I tend to have it in a bun or ponytail

6. Do you do your own Mani/Pedi or go to a salon
I do my own

7. How often do you change your nail polish
As I waitress for one of my jobs I can't wear nail polish

8. Do you polish your toes in the winter, or just in the summer
I always have nail polish on my toes

9. How long does it take you to put on your makeup
Can be length from 5 minutes to 1 hour (joke)

10. What do you do first? Face or Eyes?
Face First

11. Do you collect make up or just buy what you need when you need it?
I try and only have it when I need it but I am starting to gain a collection of mascara's

12. How often do you wear false eyelashes
I can't get to grips with false lashes

13. Do you do a full face of makeup every day
No not everyday only usually on special occasions or nights out

14. Do you wear makeup when you are home alone
No I let my face have a free day

15. Will you leave the house without makeup?
Sometimes I just feel like I need a fresh face

16. How many high end products do you have
I don't have many as I don't have they money to buy them

17. How often do you wash your makeup brushes
I wash my brushes every 2 weeks

18. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you are getting dressed
I choose my outfit on the morning I am getting ready

19. How often do you change your handbag
Not as often as I should

20. What time do you get up & go to sleep
In the weekdays I get up at 6.30am and depending if I am working on the evening can be anywhere in between 10.30pm - 11.45pm

21. How often & when do you workout
When I can I play rugby so that is kind of my work out

22. Left-handed or Right-handed
Right Handed

23. How tall are you
I am 5"2

24. Do you speak a foreign language
I have tried but I find Google-Translate is a wonderful thing

25. How many pets do you have
I have 1 dog who lives with my parents called Toby

26. How often do you blog
I try to do something every week but I do have 2 jobs so you will have to bare with me

27. Do you read the comments posted on blogs
Always I like to know what people think of my blog

28. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts
I never have but this is a good idea

29. How did you come up with your blog name
Its simple its my first name and middle name

30. What kind of camera do you use for photographs
I use the Sony H300

31. How often do you clean your house
Every two to three weeks

32. What is your favourite colour
Purple and Silver

Hope you have enjoyed this little insight in to me and my life.
Feel free to leave a comment down below if you would like to know anything else about me

Sunday 8 March 2015

How to Wash - Make Up Brushes

There are a number of different ways to wash your make up brushes so I thought I would share with you the way I clean mine.

You will need:
- A Shallow Bowl
- Clarifying Shampoo
- A Dry Cloth
- and your skin

1) Run your brushes under lukewarm water, rinsing out all of the residual make up.

2) Fill a bowl with lukewarm water and a squirt of Shampoo, and gently swirl your brush tip in the water. If you need to, you can also swirl the brush in the palm of your hand to work up a lather.

3) Rinse the brush tip under running water once again. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the water runs clear from the brush.

4) Use a cloth to wipe your brush clean, reshaping the bristles as you go.

5) Lay your brushes flat on a dry cloth.

And there you have it. Your make up brushes will be as clean as a whistle

Monday 2 February 2015

Motivational Monday #12


I get a lot of stick for what I do from working two jobs to also running my blog. A lot of people have told me to give up on my blog and not to bother and people won’t read it. I have been given a lot of stick for running my blog people have criticised me on what I have written. People seem to find it easier to judge you when they don’t know you.
Stay away from people who try and do this I find they do this as they are little and haven’t got anything better to do.
Ignore the haters!
Love Laura

Sunday 1 February 2015

What to do in DUBLIN

So for Christmas last year my sister and her partner have treated Mr P and I to a trip to DUBLIN, and I am ever so excited we fly out on the 2nd February for 2 nights and 3 days.

But I need peoples advice what is the best thing to do in Dublin were are the best places to go. I want to be able to go to Mr P with ideas of what we can do whilst we are there.

So my amazing blog friends please advise me!

Have any of you ever been?

Let me know :)

Love you all 


Wednesday 28 January 2015

Instagram #4

So as you are all aware I adore Instagram (Link Here)
So this is the 4th installment of my favourite thing to do take photos I hope you enjoy a little look in to my life :)

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Review - Garnier Miracle Skin Cream

This is my little review on this brilliant little product from Garnier.
I found this product a few months ago at my local Boots shop and thought I would give it a go.

This product is amazing it definitely has a perfecting effect on the skin. I found the best way to apply this is to smooth it on because if you over work it, it tends to gather in the pores a bit. The coverage is not as good as foundation, but this will definitely be something i'll turn to on days that I don't want to wear make up, particularly as it had added skincare and anti-ageing benefits.
Think of this as a BB Cream as it includes SPF. It will be perfect on the days when you just don't want to ware make up and you don't want to make a hugh effort but still want to care for your skin and enhance your complexion. It promises loads of skin benefits too.
 - LHA Stimulates surface skin cell renewal
 - Pro-retinol know to stimulate collagen synthesis
 - Vitamin C derivative helps to stimulate collagen production
 - Vitamin B3 provides antioxidant action
 - Vitamin B5 reinforces hydrolipidic barrier
 - Firming peptides stimulates collagen production
 - Ginger Extract know for anti-oxidant properties
 - SPF 20 helps protect from photo-induced skin ageing effects
Garnier Miracle Skin Cream is available from Boots for £12.99

Follow me here

Laura xx

Monday 19 January 2015

The most amazing Candle EVER

So if any of you know me and know me well you will know how much I adore candles.

This candle I will speaking you to about today is amazing it is from a company called WoodWick. I have had a number of these candles now and they never fail to amaze me.

WoodWick Candle shop is the first and only website in the UK which is dedicated to the woodwick range. The company is based in Northamptonshire, started selling WoodWick candles in local shops and demand grew for the candles.

These candles are beautiful as you enjoy the soothing sound of a crackling fire when you light the wooden wick. The 22oz candle jars will burn for up to 180 hours which is quite outstanding. They are made with high quality soy wax blend which produces a slow clean burn.

I went for the Candy Cane Cupcake fragrance as this is Christmas all over for me and I do have to admit I adore the smell.

Some of the other fragrances are
Cinnamon Chai
Dreamsicle Daydream

Friday 16 January 2015

Get to know me TAG!

Here we go!

1. Are you named after anyone
My parents named me after a singer but I don't know

2. When was the last time you cried?
Watching a film

3. Do you have kids?
Not yet

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
Probably not as I think I am quite weird

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I am not very good at sarcasm

6. Will you ever bungee-jump?
I would love to

7. What's your favourite cereal?

8. What's the first thing you notice about people?

9. What is your eye colour

10. Scary movie or happy endings?
Scary Movies

11. Favourite smells?

12. Summer or Winter

13. Computer or televison?

14. What's the furthest you've been from home?
Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia and America

15. Do you have any special talents?
Not really

16. Where were you born?
In Hereford in the UK

17. What are your hobbies?
Swimming, Youtube and Computer Gaming

18. Do you have any pets?
1 Dog called Toby

19. Favourite movie?
Any Jurassic Park

20. Do you have any siblings?
1 Sister who is older

21. What do you want to be when you grow up
I have probably already grown up for this question but when I was younger I always wanted to work with Dolphins

Wednesday 14 January 2015

The Malvern Spa - Review

So I thought I would do a little review on the Malvern Spa.

Great Malvern originated as a Spa Town with therapeutic qualities attributed to its springs. It was the Georgian fancy of taking the waters and later the Victorian popularity of medical treatments with the water that transformed Malvern into the centre for the Water Cure. Now more than 200 years of spa heritage have been brought to life again on the outskirts of this famous town.

The Malvern was built in 2008 and is the first spa in Malvern since 1910. It's unusual location has been carefully selected to be next to the site of a bore hole that is used to extract pure Malvern Water. You can drink it, and bathe in it. So immerse yourself in this exquisite hotel, spa & health club and they promise you will leave feeling relaxed, rejuvenated and ready for anything.

The Malvern Spa does a number of Spa Packages which are amazing

Day Packages
 - Spa Days
 - Hen Parties
Overnight Spa Breaks
Spa Treatments
 - Facials
 - Body
 - Massage
 - Men
 - Holistic
 - Grooming
 - Stress Reduction Therapy
 - Sports Therapy
The Malvern Spa is truley a beautiful place to visit for a relazing time away and a perfect little getaway for a birthday, anniversary or just a day out.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Healthy Smoothies

I have really got in to trying to lose weight this year since my sister brought me a Active Blend for Christmas. I am not one who usually has time for breakfast as I am always rushing around in the mornings and never want to eat anything at 6.30am. I have decided to do smoothies for breakfast and these I have found really help out in this situation.
I prepare all the ingredients the night before and also blend them then leave in the fridge over night. This is me trying to be nice to the people who live below us as the blender is quite noisy.

Here are some of my favourites with pictures for you to see
De-Bloating Smoothie
1/2 Cup Pineapple
1/2 Cup Papaya
1 Frozen Banana
1/4 Cucumber
1 Cup Chilled Coconut Water
2 Cups Spinach
4 Ice Cubes
Green Machine Smoothie
2 Cups Spinach
1 Ripe Pear
15 Grapes
6oz Plain Fat Free Greek Yoghurt
2 tbsp Chopped Avocado
1 - 2 tbsp Lime Juice
Blueberry Smoothie
3oz Vanilla Fat Free Greek Yoghurt
1 tbsp Almond Butter
1/2 Cup Frozen Blueberries
1/2 Avocado
1 Banana
3/4 Cup Water

The main change I have seen in myself is that I am eating less which is good for my weightloss challenge. But I have trouble finding tasty smoothies that I enjoy.
If you have any recipes you swear by let me know :D

Sunday 11 January 2015

New Camera - Happy Snapping

So I have been a little bit naughty and decided to buy myself a new Camera :)

I thought I would give you a little review of this camera with some pictures of it also.

I brought the Sony H300 Digital Compact Camera in Black.

Here are some of the details of the camera

- 35 x Optical Zoom
- 20.1MP Super HAD CCD Image Sensor
- 360 degree Panoramic Shits
- Flash for Noise Free Images
- SteadyShot Image Stabilisation

This Camera so far is excellent and far exceeded my expectations, very easy to use, the zoom is something else you can really get close from half a mile away. All round this is a good performance nice grip and good construction. Believe me if you want a simple idiot proof camera that does it all for you, then this will not disappoint you.

Disclaimer - This is a camera I have purchased myself this is not a paid blog post this is just my thoughts and opinions

Friday 9 January 2015

Tag - Get your Freak On - 15 Weird Facts


1. What's a nickname only your family calls you
Lou-Lou or little flower
2. What's a weird habit of yours
I have to be really organised (I have already done my birthday cards for all of 2015)
3. Do you have any weird phobias
 I don't like cotton balls I am fine with cotton pads
4. What's a song you secretly love to blast and belt out when you're alone
 Frozen 'let it go'
5. What's one of your biggest pet peeves
People eating with their mouth's open
6. What's one of your nervous habits
I pick the skin on the sides of my fingers
7. What side of the bed do you sleep on 
 the one furthest from the door
8. What was your first stuffed animal  a pink bunny
9. What's the drink you always order at Starbucks  Hot milk with Gingerbread Syrup
10. What's the beauty rule you preach.. but never actually practice
Never sleep with make up on
11. Which way do you face in the shower
 any it changes everytime
12. Do you have any 'weird' body skills 
 I can role my tongue
13. What's your favourite 'comfort food' thats bad but you love to eat anyway
14. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say
15. Time to sleep - what are you actually wearing
that varies as well.