Monday 5 January 2015

Enjoying the quiet days

So Christmas was quite a busy period for Scott and I with 2 families to visit, and different places to be.

For us we both finished work on the 22nd December but had to go and do a stock take where Scott works on the 23rd but that was only for a few hours.

24th December - Christmas Eve - this one was a little bit of a busy one. We had a Chinese buffet for lunch with Scott's Nan then we popped over to see my cousins who where up visiting their parents as one lives in London and the other lives in France with her Husband and her children. Then we got home and locked the door.

25th December - CHRISTMAS DAY -  This again was a very busy day. We woke up to our Christmas Stockings which we opened with a cup of tea and a ham and cheese sandwich (random I know) then we got ready for our 30 minute journey to my sisters to celebrate the day with my sister, parents, Scott and the dog. This was a long day in the end as we arrived at 10.30am and left at about 7.15pm for me I wanted to get home as the weather was changing and the temperature had dropped quite a lot.

26th December - Boxing Day - Another busy day this time it was a meal with some of Scott's family which was nice but again we didn't stay too long as the weather decided to put snow on us.

After that we decided to lock the door on everyone and actually send sometime as an actual couple which we hadn't done much off over the past couple of months.

And what can I say I loved having quality time with just Scott it was bliss to wake up and know we didn't have to go out, or see anyone. We did a number of wakes in to town and to look at a few of the sales, but we mainly stayed in as neither of us actually like the cold.

But it was nice to actually spend time with it just being Scott and myself and I am glad we had this time off to spend some time together and be a couple.

Hope you all had some amazing time off and had a decent break and did what ever you wanted to do


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