Wednesday 28 January 2015

Instagram #4

So as you are all aware I adore Instagram (Link Here)
So this is the 4th installment of my favourite thing to do take photos I hope you enjoy a little look in to my life :)

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Review - Garnier Miracle Skin Cream

This is my little review on this brilliant little product from Garnier.
I found this product a few months ago at my local Boots shop and thought I would give it a go.

This product is amazing it definitely has a perfecting effect on the skin. I found the best way to apply this is to smooth it on because if you over work it, it tends to gather in the pores a bit. The coverage is not as good as foundation, but this will definitely be something i'll turn to on days that I don't want to wear make up, particularly as it had added skincare and anti-ageing benefits.
Think of this as a BB Cream as it includes SPF. It will be perfect on the days when you just don't want to ware make up and you don't want to make a hugh effort but still want to care for your skin and enhance your complexion. It promises loads of skin benefits too.
 - LHA Stimulates surface skin cell renewal
 - Pro-retinol know to stimulate collagen synthesis
 - Vitamin C derivative helps to stimulate collagen production
 - Vitamin B3 provides antioxidant action
 - Vitamin B5 reinforces hydrolipidic barrier
 - Firming peptides stimulates collagen production
 - Ginger Extract know for anti-oxidant properties
 - SPF 20 helps protect from photo-induced skin ageing effects
Garnier Miracle Skin Cream is available from Boots for £12.99

Follow me here

Laura xx

Monday 19 January 2015

The most amazing Candle EVER

So if any of you know me and know me well you will know how much I adore candles.

This candle I will speaking you to about today is amazing it is from a company called WoodWick. I have had a number of these candles now and they never fail to amaze me.

WoodWick Candle shop is the first and only website in the UK which is dedicated to the woodwick range. The company is based in Northamptonshire, started selling WoodWick candles in local shops and demand grew for the candles.

These candles are beautiful as you enjoy the soothing sound of a crackling fire when you light the wooden wick. The 22oz candle jars will burn for up to 180 hours which is quite outstanding. They are made with high quality soy wax blend which produces a slow clean burn.

I went for the Candy Cane Cupcake fragrance as this is Christmas all over for me and I do have to admit I adore the smell.

Some of the other fragrances are
Cinnamon Chai
Dreamsicle Daydream

Friday 16 January 2015

Get to know me TAG!

Here we go!

1. Are you named after anyone
My parents named me after a singer but I don't know

2. When was the last time you cried?
Watching a film

3. Do you have kids?
Not yet

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?
Probably not as I think I am quite weird

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I am not very good at sarcasm

6. Will you ever bungee-jump?
I would love to

7. What's your favourite cereal?

8. What's the first thing you notice about people?

9. What is your eye colour

10. Scary movie or happy endings?
Scary Movies

11. Favourite smells?

12. Summer or Winter

13. Computer or televison?

14. What's the furthest you've been from home?
Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia and America

15. Do you have any special talents?
Not really

16. Where were you born?
In Hereford in the UK

17. What are your hobbies?
Swimming, Youtube and Computer Gaming

18. Do you have any pets?
1 Dog called Toby

19. Favourite movie?
Any Jurassic Park

20. Do you have any siblings?
1 Sister who is older

21. What do you want to be when you grow up
I have probably already grown up for this question but when I was younger I always wanted to work with Dolphins

Wednesday 14 January 2015

The Malvern Spa - Review

So I thought I would do a little review on the Malvern Spa.

Great Malvern originated as a Spa Town with therapeutic qualities attributed to its springs. It was the Georgian fancy of taking the waters and later the Victorian popularity of medical treatments with the water that transformed Malvern into the centre for the Water Cure. Now more than 200 years of spa heritage have been brought to life again on the outskirts of this famous town.

The Malvern was built in 2008 and is the first spa in Malvern since 1910. It's unusual location has been carefully selected to be next to the site of a bore hole that is used to extract pure Malvern Water. You can drink it, and bathe in it. So immerse yourself in this exquisite hotel, spa & health club and they promise you will leave feeling relaxed, rejuvenated and ready for anything.

The Malvern Spa does a number of Spa Packages which are amazing

Day Packages
 - Spa Days
 - Hen Parties
Overnight Spa Breaks
Spa Treatments
 - Facials
 - Body
 - Massage
 - Men
 - Holistic
 - Grooming
 - Stress Reduction Therapy
 - Sports Therapy
The Malvern Spa is truley a beautiful place to visit for a relazing time away and a perfect little getaway for a birthday, anniversary or just a day out.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Healthy Smoothies

I have really got in to trying to lose weight this year since my sister brought me a Active Blend for Christmas. I am not one who usually has time for breakfast as I am always rushing around in the mornings and never want to eat anything at 6.30am. I have decided to do smoothies for breakfast and these I have found really help out in this situation.
I prepare all the ingredients the night before and also blend them then leave in the fridge over night. This is me trying to be nice to the people who live below us as the blender is quite noisy.

Here are some of my favourites with pictures for you to see
De-Bloating Smoothie
1/2 Cup Pineapple
1/2 Cup Papaya
1 Frozen Banana
1/4 Cucumber
1 Cup Chilled Coconut Water
2 Cups Spinach
4 Ice Cubes
Green Machine Smoothie
2 Cups Spinach
1 Ripe Pear
15 Grapes
6oz Plain Fat Free Greek Yoghurt
2 tbsp Chopped Avocado
1 - 2 tbsp Lime Juice
Blueberry Smoothie
3oz Vanilla Fat Free Greek Yoghurt
1 tbsp Almond Butter
1/2 Cup Frozen Blueberries
1/2 Avocado
1 Banana
3/4 Cup Water

The main change I have seen in myself is that I am eating less which is good for my weightloss challenge. But I have trouble finding tasty smoothies that I enjoy.
If you have any recipes you swear by let me know :D

Sunday 11 January 2015

New Camera - Happy Snapping

So I have been a little bit naughty and decided to buy myself a new Camera :)

I thought I would give you a little review of this camera with some pictures of it also.

I brought the Sony H300 Digital Compact Camera in Black.

Here are some of the details of the camera

- 35 x Optical Zoom
- 20.1MP Super HAD CCD Image Sensor
- 360 degree Panoramic Shits
- Flash for Noise Free Images
- SteadyShot Image Stabilisation

This Camera so far is excellent and far exceeded my expectations, very easy to use, the zoom is something else you can really get close from half a mile away. All round this is a good performance nice grip and good construction. Believe me if you want a simple idiot proof camera that does it all for you, then this will not disappoint you.

Disclaimer - This is a camera I have purchased myself this is not a paid blog post this is just my thoughts and opinions

Friday 9 January 2015

Tag - Get your Freak On - 15 Weird Facts


1. What's a nickname only your family calls you
Lou-Lou or little flower
2. What's a weird habit of yours
I have to be really organised (I have already done my birthday cards for all of 2015)
3. Do you have any weird phobias
 I don't like cotton balls I am fine with cotton pads
4. What's a song you secretly love to blast and belt out when you're alone
 Frozen 'let it go'
5. What's one of your biggest pet peeves
People eating with their mouth's open
6. What's one of your nervous habits
I pick the skin on the sides of my fingers
7. What side of the bed do you sleep on 
 the one furthest from the door
8. What was your first stuffed animal  a pink bunny
9. What's the drink you always order at Starbucks  Hot milk with Gingerbread Syrup
10. What's the beauty rule you preach.. but never actually practice
Never sleep with make up on
11. Which way do you face in the shower
 any it changes everytime
12. Do you have any 'weird' body skills 
 I can role my tongue
13. What's your favourite 'comfort food' thats bad but you love to eat anyway
14. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say
15. Time to sleep - what are you actually wearing
that varies as well.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Last Weston trip of 2014

So as you all know Scott and I adore Weston Super Mare.

If we could move there we would in a heart beat. We decided to go down and I was a bit put off by the weather as I don't deal with the cold too well.

But today the weather was perfect very cold but beautiful so I thought I would share some of the photo's I took

Lots of bloody traffic

As you all know Weston is a little place in the UK which Scott and I can get to within an hour and a half and we go there far to many times but I can never fault it.
Love Laura xx

Monday 5 January 2015

Motivational Monday #11

I for one am very afraid of what I am doing wrong everything I do I have to think to myself what will people think what will people say. Will they like what I have done. I always feel that people will judge me on what I have done and what I am doing.
But I have learnt that it doesn’t matter what people think about me I have to have a positive mind and enjoy doing what I do I shouldn’t worry on what people think and I should be happy with what I do and what I enjoy
Love Laura

Enjoying the quiet days

So Christmas was quite a busy period for Scott and I with 2 families to visit, and different places to be.

For us we both finished work on the 22nd December but had to go and do a stock take where Scott works on the 23rd but that was only for a few hours.

24th December - Christmas Eve - this one was a little bit of a busy one. We had a Chinese buffet for lunch with Scott's Nan then we popped over to see my cousins who where up visiting their parents as one lives in London and the other lives in France with her Husband and her children. Then we got home and locked the door.

25th December - CHRISTMAS DAY -  This again was a very busy day. We woke up to our Christmas Stockings which we opened with a cup of tea and a ham and cheese sandwich (random I know) then we got ready for our 30 minute journey to my sisters to celebrate the day with my sister, parents, Scott and the dog. This was a long day in the end as we arrived at 10.30am and left at about 7.15pm for me I wanted to get home as the weather was changing and the temperature had dropped quite a lot.

26th December - Boxing Day - Another busy day this time it was a meal with some of Scott's family which was nice but again we didn't stay too long as the weather decided to put snow on us.

After that we decided to lock the door on everyone and actually send sometime as an actual couple which we hadn't done much off over the past couple of months.

And what can I say I loved having quality time with just Scott it was bliss to wake up and know we didn't have to go out, or see anyone. We did a number of wakes in to town and to look at a few of the sales, but we mainly stayed in as neither of us actually like the cold.

But it was nice to actually spend time with it just being Scott and myself and I am glad we had this time off to spend some time together and be a couple.

Hope you all had some amazing time off and had a decent break and did what ever you wanted to do


Friday 2 January 2015

Weightloss here I come

So as usual the start of 2015 brings with it the New Year resolutions.
Mine this year are a little bit different (well some of them)
First off
  • To lose weight - this year I would like to go from a size 16 down to a size 12-14 between myself and Scott we have 3 weddings to attend and I would like to look nice in a dress for once.
  • To stop eating rubbish. We have decided to cut down on the rubbish we eat and are planning on having a more healthier year.
  • To drink more water. Plain and simple I do not drink enough water
  • To go out more (not the partying) but to go for walks and mini little trips to places not visited before.
  • To spend more time together. We feel that we do not spend enough time together and this is a little bit of an issue for me.
So there you have it these are my plans for 2015. I hope to stick to them but I can only try.
What are your resolutions if you have any?
Love Laura

Thursday 1 January 2015

New Year New Me!!

As its the 1st day of the first month of 2015, I have made some realistic and unrealistic resolutions that I would like to achieve or at least try and up hold
 * Lose 2 Stone - I currently wear a size 14 in clothes and would love to achive a size 12 instead I have been a size 14 - 16 for as long as I can remember.
* Go to a new place on holiday - I am one who likes what she knows and when I used to go on holiday with my parents we used to go to the same place 2-3 times before trying something new
* Drink More (Water that is) - Not alcohol before you say anything as I don't feel I drink enough at the moment I am aiming to drink 8-10 pints a day
* Be proud of my blog - A lot of people seem to laugh at me when I tell them I do a blog and youtube and I want to be more proud of what I enjoy
* Do a bungejump - ok this one is a little more of an unrealistic one as I am petrified of heights
* Try more foods - I am one of these very fussy eaters and I dislike most spicy food and most seasonings. I enjoy the plainer food in life
There are lots of extra little things I want to do like eat more fruit, orgainse my clothes, visit more UK places. I do hope 2015 is as wonderful as 2014 has been and I hope to achieve bigger and better things this year.