Tuesday 16 September 2014

Its All About Me - Tag

Vital Statistics

Me - Laura
Nicknames - Lau, Lou-Lou
Birthday - 11th April 1987
Place of Birth - Hereford, UK

Zodiac Sign - Aries
Male or Female - Female
Occupation - Procurement and Transport Administrator
Residence - Worcester
Screen Name - LauraAmanda

Hair Colour - Brown with Blonde Highlights
Hair Length - Medium
Eye Colour- Blue
Best Feature - My Eyes when not hidden behind glasses
Height - 5ft 2"
Braces? - Yes from the age of 17 to 19
Glasses?- Yes and contact lenses
Piercings - a number of them in my ears
Tattoos - None
Righty or Lefty - Righty

Your Firsts: 
First Best Friend -  My first best friend would have been a girl called Amy 
First Award - This would have been a swimming award in first school
First Sport you joined- Swimming and Gymnastics
First real Holiday - Hong Kong to visit my mum's brother
First Concert - Hearsay (yes I am admitting this)
First Love - My Goldfish - Blondie

Movie -  Jaws or Jurassic Park
TV Show - Rookie Blue and The Walking Dead
Colours - Purple and Silver
Song - Anything Disney
Candy - Jelly Tots
Restaurant - A little Chinese in Kidderminster called Chung Ying
Store -  New Look or Primark
School - Got to be first school
Book- anything with a good story
Magazine - Heat and Cosmo
Shoes - Flip Flops

Feeling -  Tired
Single or Taken - In the middle
Eating- Nothing
Typing - This
Online - my youtube channel
Listening To - Everyone at work talking
Thinking about -  Christmas 
Wanting - The day to end
Wearing- Work trousers and A butterfly top

Want Children? -  Of course I do 
Want to be Married - Yes I would like to get married
Careers in Mind- none and I am now 27
Where do you want to live? - Somewhere warm and sunny

Have you ever:
Kissed a stranger -  Yes
Had Alcohol - Yes 
Smoked- Once and hated it
Ran away from home - Not that I know of
Broken a bone - No
Got an X-Ray - Yes I swallowed a 2 pence piece and they needed to know where it was
Broken someone's heart -  Possibly 
Broken up with someone - Yes my cheating Ex
Cried when someone died- Of course 
Cried at School - Probably I hated school

Do you believe in:
God -  Nope
Miracles - No
Love at first sight- No
Ghosts - Nope
Aliens-  Nope
Soul Mates - Yes
Heaven- Nope
Hell -  Nope 
Kissing on the first date - Why the hell not!
Yourself - No 


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