Tuesday 30 September 2014

How to Tame Frizz

From a very early age I have always had frizzy hair various colours but always frizzy. When I was younger I never really cared about the frizzness but as I got older it effected how I looked in my eyes.
My mum has been a hair dre4sser for longer than I have been around but classed my frizz as ringlets and wouldn't touch them.
At the age of 13 my mum decided to cut my hair, it was roughly halfway down my back she cut it to shoulder length, the only problem was she cut my hair when it was wet so as it dried it got shorter and bushier!!!
I was totally mortified. To this day (I am now 27) my mum has never been allowed to cut my hair.
These days to tame my hair I use my trusty hair dryer and my trusty GHD Straighteners these glide over my hair with ease.
I mainly use the Frizz Miracle Shampoo and Conditioner by Aussie, it uses Australian blue gum leaves from the eucalyptus tree, this easy lathering shampoo and conditioner helps hydrate my hair whislt coating it with a protecting barrier to keep my frizz at bay.
My Life Savers!!!! <3
My hair is now a lot more managable which I am glad for. I thought this might be a little helpful for some of you who might be going through this like I have been

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Swimming with Dolphins

This is one of my all time (Bucket List) things I had to do in my life.
And I finally managed it I went to Orlando Florida with my other half back last year in May. This was an amazing holiday where we spent 2 weeks in a Disney resort with 14 day tickets to Disney and 14 day tickets to Universal Studios.
I only had one request for this holiday and that was to swim with dolphins.
Scott decided to treat me to a day at discovery cove and oh my god it was amazing (apart from the early wake up call)
We arrived on the Saturday the best thing about Discovery Cove is that they limit the amount of people in the attraction to 1000 people.
We were signed in and given a name tag (as I call it) an identification badge.
This had our photo on it and also the time and location for our dolphin encounter.
We had the morning free so we decided to make full use of the snorkel provided and went in to the man made lagoon they had which was full to the brim with tropical fish and sting rays no joke the rays were as wide as I could stretch my arms.
There was also a pool which had sharks in it but this was sectioned off by glass so we didn't get bitten or encounter a shark when turning a corner.
We had lunch about an hour before our dolphin encounter as neither of us wanted to be sick from eating a few minutes before going in the water.

The next bit will stay with me forever. We got in to the lagoon and a dophin came swimming up to use we got to stroke the dolphin and feed it a fish. We then got to swim out to the middle of the lagoon and this dolphin jumped over our heads one at a time we then held on to the dolphins dorsel fin and then shot back to the shallow end with the dolphin.
Then it was time for photos we had a couples photo taken by the dolphin and also single photos taken where we got to kiss the dolphin also.
We then finished our dolphin encounter and we went back in to the lagoon for about another hour. We then dried in the sun and got changed before going to look at our photos with the dolphins we ended up purchasing more photos than expected and also had the opportunity to purchase more when we arrived back in the UK which we did for both sets of parents (well mum's to be honest).
This was one of the most perfect holidays I could ever have dreamed of and I would love to re-live it again and again.
Love LauraAmanda

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Its All About Me - Tag

Vital Statistics

Me - Laura
Nicknames - Lau, Lou-Lou
Birthday - 11th April 1987
Place of Birth - Hereford, UK

Zodiac Sign - Aries
Male or Female - Female
Occupation - Procurement and Transport Administrator
Residence - Worcester
Screen Name - LauraAmanda

Hair Colour - Brown with Blonde Highlights
Hair Length - Medium
Eye Colour- Blue
Best Feature - My Eyes when not hidden behind glasses
Height - 5ft 2"
Braces? - Yes from the age of 17 to 19
Glasses?- Yes and contact lenses
Piercings - a number of them in my ears
Tattoos - None
Righty or Lefty - Righty

Your Firsts: 
First Best Friend -  My first best friend would have been a girl called Amy 
First Award - This would have been a swimming award in first school
First Sport you joined- Swimming and Gymnastics
First real Holiday - Hong Kong to visit my mum's brother
First Concert - Hearsay (yes I am admitting this)
First Love - My Goldfish - Blondie

Movie -  Jaws or Jurassic Park
TV Show - Rookie Blue and The Walking Dead
Colours - Purple and Silver
Song - Anything Disney
Candy - Jelly Tots
Restaurant - A little Chinese in Kidderminster called Chung Ying
Store -  New Look or Primark
School - Got to be first school
Book- anything with a good story
Magazine - Heat and Cosmo
Shoes - Flip Flops

Feeling -  Tired
Single or Taken - In the middle
Eating- Nothing
Typing - This
Online - my youtube channel
Listening To - Everyone at work talking
Thinking about -  Christmas 
Wanting - The day to end
Wearing- Work trousers and A butterfly top

Want Children? -  Of course I do 
Want to be Married - Yes I would like to get married
Careers in Mind- none and I am now 27
Where do you want to live? - Somewhere warm and sunny

Have you ever:
Kissed a stranger -  Yes
Had Alcohol - Yes 
Smoked- Once and hated it
Ran away from home - Not that I know of
Broken a bone - No
Got an X-Ray - Yes I swallowed a 2 pence piece and they needed to know where it was
Broken someone's heart -  Possibly 
Broken up with someone - Yes my cheating Ex
Cried when someone died- Of course 
Cried at School - Probably I hated school

Do you believe in:
God -  Nope
Miracles - No
Love at first sight- No
Ghosts - Nope
Aliens-  Nope
Soul Mates - Yes
Heaven- Nope
Hell -  Nope 
Kissing on the first date - Why the hell not!
Yourself - No 


Thursday 11 September 2014

Review - Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream - Skin Protection

This 8 hour cream is a cult classic with more functions than people actually realise.
This is an absolute must have in any handbag it's a skincare classic that restores, calms, and helps relieve chapped, cracked and dry skin.
It works straight away to sooth roughness, redness and minor skin irriations.
This healing cream has been praised since 1930 and became an instant and overwhelming success. The combination of petrolatum and vitamin E makes the apricot coloured balm an emergency skin moment miricale.
- Helps protect, soothe and moisturise skin
- Soothes dry skin and provides anti-inflammatory benefits
- Soothes burns, scrapes and abrasions
My thoughts on this is that its a little miricle worker. I have used this on my split lips that keep cracking. The smell of this product isn't the best and sometimes puts me off.
But it does keep my skin moisturised. I have also used it on burns I have received in the kitchen to sooth the irrataion.
All in all I would highly recommed this product it's a little expensive to be a regular purchase so use it sparingley
Have you used this before? What are your thoughts?
Love Laura

Monday 1 September 2014

Motivational Monday #7

This post is a little close to my heart.
The majority of people dismiss those things that lie beyond the bounds of what they have already. Don't be afraid to change what you do or what you wear. You might lose something/someone but you have an opportunity to gain so much more.
I was in a relationship for 4 years with someone and I was truly in love I did everything for him and he did nothing for me I spent my money, I drove my car and he just used it. I finally managed to end the relationship and go it alone as myself and not Laura and 'him'.
I didn't think anything could make me happy again until I found my true love. I haven't been happier
I hope you all have found true happiness or find true happiness.
Love Laura