Monday 4 August 2014

Motivational Monday #6


I adore this post a lot of people call me ugly and I find it amusing when they do now I tend to try and brush it under the carpet and not take it on bored but sometimes it gets depressing.
Being told your not pretty and maybe you should try make up can really hurt someone's feelings and it's patetic little people who usually are behind this.
I deleted my original twitter account due to vile people being horrible about the way I looked but I have created a new one (yeahy go me)
I have decided also to live by this post BEAUTY ISN'T MAKE UP.
Everyone has their own personal beauty not always how they look but there personality, their kindness to others people show beauty in so many different ways.
Please don't ever be one of those people who calls someone Ugly
Love Laura


  1. Such a nice post! Thank you for stopping by my blog xx

    1. Thank you for my first ever comment thank you also for my first ever follower!!! :) I have followed you back xx
