Saturday 3 May 2014

Someday Summary #1

Hello Lovelies

So I thought every few weeks I would so a someday summary for you were I list what I am loving at the moment and what I am enjoying also.

Drink more water - I currently only drink about 2 glassses of water in a day so I need to drink more they

Be more Active - I currently work two jobs one in the day and one in the evening which I enjoy doing but I don't have any time to exersice which is my downfall I have cut down on what I eat but I still seem to not be able to lose weight

Loving Food - I currently adore toasted Bagels with Cream Cheese yummy!

Black and White Photos - I love to take photos on either my phone or camera but I am really enjoying taking black and white photos at the moment I feel they look more beautiful.

Loving Films - I have to admit since the time I was able to crawl I have been obsessed with Disney Films and I hold my hands up I am currently still obsesswed with them so my favourite film at the moment is Frozen

Hope you enjoy this please let me know your Someday Summarys

Toodlepip Laura x
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