Friday 16 May 2014

25 Facts About Me

Hello Lovelies,

So I thought I would do a little post on getting to know me hope you enjoy and not get bored :)

1. I have really small feet (Size 3)
2. I sucked my thumb up to the age of 15
3 I used to Ice Skate regularly but no one will go with me know
4. I'm obsessed with baking cupcakes and cakes
5. Disney films are my guilty pleasure
6. I dislike spicy food
7. I have 5 piercings (used to be 6 but I let one heal)
8. I want to travel the world 
9. I hate flying - aeroplane's freak me out!
10. I was the top swimmer at my school and won a few tropheys
11. I play competitive rugby
12. I have never (touches wood) broken or dislocated any bones
13. I have had an x-ray for swallowing a 2p piece
14. I love to watch the rain but hate thunder and lightening
15. I dye my hair so often I don't know my original colour anymore (jokes)
16. I hate clothes shopping as nothing ever suits me
17. I love instagram Follow Me :)
18. I never really know what to say to new people
19.  I love watching Netflix's
20. I hate unknown callers that leave a blank message 
21. I have bright blue eyes when I cry
22. I love Maoam's they are YUMMY
23. I adore chicken dippers and beans
24. I finally have nails long enough to paint
25. I always either wear glasses or contact lenses

I hope you have enjoyed getting to know me a little bit more let me know something about you :)

Toodlepip Laura x

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