Thursday 22 May 2014

Sexy Summer Feet

Spring/ Summer has sprung and before you know it, we'll be getting ready for beach season. So here is my step by step routine to get sexy summer feet
1) Prep and Soak
Start by removing any polish that you're wearing on your toes. Next you'll want to soak your feet to soften the skin and nails. Prepare a small basin filled with warm water. I always add some bath salts to make it smell nice. You can buy foot soak from any normal shop which is created to soften tired, rough feet
2) Exfoliate
Use an exfoliating scrub to remove any rough patches that have accumlated. For extra-rough heels use a pumice stone or foot file to gently smooth and buff the feet/skin
3) Make it a Mask
Foot masks are the craze and way to go these days. Try one that exfoliates, softens, eliminates odor and refreshes tired skin. Simply apply the mask to clean, dry feet, relex for 10-20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
4) Trim and File
It's easier to clip nails when they're damp. After soaking and exfoliating, clip your nails straight across, and then file the corners into a rounded edge to smooth rough edges and prevent ingrown toenails, being sure to only file in one direction. Use a scrub brush to clean underneath the nails, and then gently buff them to prepare the nails for polish.
5) Moistureize
Winter causes the skin to dry out so spend some time hydrating your feet with a good moisturize
Now its time to polish your toes with your favourite colour and show them off to the world in flip flops and wedges.

Monday 19 May 2014

Motivational Monday #3

Hello Lovelies

I like this quote I found today as my parents have always said to me if at first you don't succeed try, try again.
I have put this quote against my life also as I believe you will never always win first time around whether it be in a job or relationship to your first driving test.
I believe you will always succeed in what you require but it will always take time. Some people have a lot of things handed to them on a plate and other people have to work so hard to get the tiniest of wins.

Toodlepip Laura x
Instagram - Follow Me

Friday 16 May 2014

25 Facts About Me

Hello Lovelies,

So I thought I would do a little post on getting to know me hope you enjoy and not get bored :)

1. I have really small feet (Size 3)
2. I sucked my thumb up to the age of 15
3 I used to Ice Skate regularly but no one will go with me know
4. I'm obsessed with baking cupcakes and cakes
5. Disney films are my guilty pleasure
6. I dislike spicy food
7. I have 5 piercings (used to be 6 but I let one heal)
8. I want to travel the world 
9. I hate flying - aeroplane's freak me out!
10. I was the top swimmer at my school and won a few tropheys
11. I play competitive rugby
12. I have never (touches wood) broken or dislocated any bones
13. I have had an x-ray for swallowing a 2p piece
14. I love to watch the rain but hate thunder and lightening
15. I dye my hair so often I don't know my original colour anymore (jokes)
16. I hate clothes shopping as nothing ever suits me
17. I love instagram Follow Me :)
18. I never really know what to say to new people
19.  I love watching Netflix's
20. I hate unknown callers that leave a blank message 
21. I have bright blue eyes when I cry
22. I love Maoam's they are YUMMY
23. I adore chicken dippers and beans
24. I finally have nails long enough to paint
25. I always either wear glasses or contact lenses

I hope you have enjoyed getting to know me a little bit more let me know something about you :)

Toodlepip Laura x

Saturday 10 May 2014

Happy Weekend :)

Hello Lovelies

I love nothing more than spending quality time with my family and I love every opportunity I get to spend time with my cousin's (one lives in London and one in France) and my little cousin Gabriel.
He is a little gem!
My Mum, Jenna and Alexandra with Gabriel

I rarely get to see them as working two jobs and they live quite far away from me. They come up to visit their parents (my Auntie and Uncle).
I visited on Monday with my mum and sister and had such an enjoyable time and catch up. Gabriel has a new toy my Uncle's wheelbarrow! and loves to be pushed around in it.
My sister and Gabriel
  He has also found a love for a watering can and a bird bath which equaled a very wet little boy!

I also got to visit on Saturday to watch the rugby Clermont vs Saracens which unfortunatly didn't go down too well with my Cousin. I got given every toy and every book Gabriel had to play with and read to him. I have also found out the little gift I got him when he was born is the thing he goes to bed with called 'Button'.
Same as first photo
He is truely the cutest little boy I am proud to know and say I am related too! and I know he will be a true heart breaker when he is older.

Toodlepip Laura x
Instagram - Follow Me

Thursday 8 May 2014

Being Bullied

This will be a bit of a unusual post for me but this has been playing on my mind for a good few weeks and I feel it will be better if I don't hold it in anymore.

I have had the unfortunate dislike of being bullied from a young age for name calling to verbal abuse about being adopted.

It all started in First School, I didn't fit in as I wasn't from the area I wasn't in the click I wasn't popular! I used to go and sit by the pond they had at lunch time as it was out of the way just so I wasn't laughed at for my socks or my lunch box. I didn't fit in. Then came Middle School I enjoyed this School a little more as there were trips you could go on but I still got bullied, for not having a boyfriend and needing help in classes. It got out at school that I was dyslexic and that was it, to the girls I was thick and dumb. My sister was my rock at school she would stick up for me through everything and fight my corner but she moved up to high school and it was back being little old me. That changed slightly when a guy called Mark asked me out, I wasn't much of an outside then but I was still different. Then to High School the one place I HATED the most. I got in to the Hogh School as my sister was already there (an allocated space for me I guess) don't get me wrong it was a good school but the bullies followed.

It got out at school that I was adopted and that changed everything. I got called some horrible names told my parents obivously didn't love me as they had given me up and not wanted me. I got so depressed at school I dind't do my work I protested but nobody noticed. I got that depressed I used to get on the train in the morning and not get off at my stop I used to stay on the train until Birmingham and wonder around Birmingham until it was time to get the train back to Kidderminster. I would take a spare pair of clothes so I wouldn't be in my uniform. When I did go to School I would hide at lunchtime so no one could find me I believed if I wasn't seen I wasn't noticed which would equal no bullying.

I got so depressed at School I use to self-harm it was my relief my way of coping with the pain. The pain I caused myself took away the pain from the bullying but this pushed me away from people even more. I would hide what I had done so no one would see this was my little secret my one thing people couldn't pick on me for.

I found it hard to speak to my parents I tolded them I dond't like school and I wanted to move but for them it was a good school with great posibilities. I didn't tell them about the bullying as it would have upset them for the things being said about me being adopted.

I believe that all of this has made me who I am today a stronger person who has taken all of this at an early age I just wish I hadn't bottled everything up and spoken to my parents even my sister just so someone else could tell me that everything is ok that I wasn't different.

Toodlepip Laura x

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Cupcake Creations

Hello Lovelies

So I adore to do a little baking and I thought I would share some of the cakes I have made recently! And most possibly have already demolished!!

As you can see I love decorating cakes more than usually baking them I can happy spend 3-4 hours decorating when it only takes 10 minutes to make them!

These were made for my birthday a few weeks ago I think I ended up making about 54 cupcakes!

This has to be my favorite picture as I adore this cake stand I just don't have enough people around to make them

Hope you enjoy this little pictures and they don't make you too hungry and I apologies if they do but they were so yummy!

Toodlepip Laura x

Monday 5 May 2014

Motivational Monday #2

Hello Lovelies

I have recently lost a lot of faith in myself and what I do.
I know I am not the prettiest, smarties or in general a popular person but I never really have been. But recently I have just been wondering why I bother. There is a lot of bitching going on at both jobs I work in for the last few weeks and I know a lot of this has been aimed at me from the whispering to snide remarks.
This upsets me as I don't know what I have done wrong or can do to stop the bitchiness.
But I have decided who cares if I don't fit it, who cares if I am an outcast I am Laura (Bella) a person who has done a lot and will achieve so much more than people think.
Toodlepip Laura x

Saturday 3 May 2014

Someday Summary #1

Hello Lovelies

So I thought every few weeks I would so a someday summary for you were I list what I am loving at the moment and what I am enjoying also.

Drink more water - I currently only drink about 2 glassses of water in a day so I need to drink more they

Be more Active - I currently work two jobs one in the day and one in the evening which I enjoy doing but I don't have any time to exersice which is my downfall I have cut down on what I eat but I still seem to not be able to lose weight

Loving Food - I currently adore toasted Bagels with Cream Cheese yummy!

Black and White Photos - I love to take photos on either my phone or camera but I am really enjoying taking black and white photos at the moment I feel they look more beautiful.

Loving Films - I have to admit since the time I was able to crawl I have been obsessed with Disney Films and I hold my hands up I am currently still obsesswed with them so my favourite film at the moment is Frozen

Hope you enjoy this please let me know your Someday Summarys

Toodlepip Laura x
Instagram - Follow Me

Thursday 1 May 2014

My Favourite Brushes - Real Techniques

Hey Lovelies

My favourite brushes by far at the moment are the Real Techniques brushes created by the wonderful and well known You Tuber & makeup artist, Samantha Chapman.

I first heard of these brushes on her YouTube channel and I have been addicted ever since.

I've found them to be really high quality brushes for an affordable price (I even managed to get my mum to buy me some for Christmas)

They have really soft, synthetic taklon bristles. The ferrule of the brush is a colored aluminum and is longer (the ferrule) than most other brushes. The specific name of each brush is actually written out on the brush, which is handy as well.
These brushes are a must have for me as they have helped me perfect the way I do make up. The softness of these brushes against my skin are again one of the main reasons I use these.

Having soft brushes allow me to put my make up on smoothly and in an efficient manor. I find hard brushes irritate my skin.

Hope you enjoyed this little in site to my favourite brushes please tell me what your favourite brushes are!

Toodlepip Laura x