Thursday 24 April 2014

Working Two Jobs and still having Fun

Hi All,
So as the title suggests this post is about working two Jobs but still having fun and being able to do things outside of working.
I have always had a job since the age of 16 as I always wanted to be able to afford to buy clothes and pay my parents some rent.I have had a second job for just over a year and this is mainly to pay my dad back who was kind enough to lend me money when I was in a sticky situation.
I working in the day in a 8am - 5pm job with a 45 minute break, but I usually arrive at work at 7.30-7.45am. I work most evenings as a Waitress and one day at the Weekend in a Spa Restaurant. Dont get me wrong I enjoy both of these jobs but it is very tiring leaving my flat at 7.30am and not coming back until around 10.30pm-11.00pm.
A lot of people ask me about having fun and time for myself, but I do get time, working at the spa has its benefits for me from discounts on treatments to being able to use the Gym and Spa whenever I require.
I also enjoy watching a good film or two and I will usually watch these once home and on my laptop. I get home from work and the first thing I do is jump in the bath and have a 10 minute relax there then on to my laptop for a good Disney Film!

I also get to spend time with my parents which is quality time in its own right! From dog walking with my mum to pamering and meals out.

I just wish I had a few more hours each day to do my youtube channel as this is one of my main ambisitons. I will never be big on youtube but its all about trying right?

Anyways I best get back to work

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