Thursday 5 June 2014

Working in an All Male Environment

As you guessed from the title of this post I thought I would give and share my 5 key points of advice for working in an all Male environment and surviving.

1) Make Friends With Your Colleagues Both Male and Female
Your network is your biggest asset. Seriously, this might not seem the case now, but it really matters who your friends are in your field. You will have a lot of bitching in the office environment.
2) Learn To Take Criticism Well
Consider the validity of the feedback without getting too wrapped up in the emotion. No one is good at everything, you always have room to improve, no matter what you are doing, and the best way to grow is constructive critixism.
3) Go Looking For Advice
Some managers are afraid to give a women the feedback they need for fear of hurting our feelings but we need this advise to be able to succeed in the job role.
4) Life Is Too Short Not To Be Treated professionally
If someone with power over you is treating you unprofessionally, try to change the situation, get them to be held accountable for what is being said and if needs be go to your HR Adviser
5) Do What You Love
This is the most important point of them all don't ever stick with a job if it makes you unhappy you want to enjoy what you do. So don't stick a job just because it pays the bills find a job which you love and you will go far.
I hope this little points help in some way I know I have used some of these before.
Love Laura


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