Sunday 29 June 2014

June Beauty Faves

I thought I would share my beauty favourites for this month with you. I have been loving a number of new things this month and also some old time favouites.
Let me know if the comments below what your favourite products of this month are :)


This is the Clinique Anti Blemish Solutions Clinical Clearing Gel (30ml)
I have recently been struggling with my skin and it has been breaking out in a lot of blemishes. I was reading a blog recently that mentioned this as a product that really helped so I thought I would give it a go and no joke this really works. My skin has become less irritated and I am a lot happier with my skin.
(This retails in boots for £20.00)


This is the Elizabeth Arden Intervene Make up Foundation SPF 15.
I am really picky about foundations, This has meant that I have tried out a fair few foundations trying to find the perfect one. I have used this for the past month now and I find it actually improves the state of my skin. This has great coverage and lasts all day.
(This retails in boots for £30.00)



This is one of my favourite perfumes of the moment the Marc Jacobs Daisy Delight this bottle has a beautiful design and stands out on my dressing table.
This fragrance is flowery and light and reminds me of the summer
(This retails in boots for £44.50)


This is my all time favourite product to use in the bath and shower it is a bit of a variation on the normal shower gel. Its bright blue, supremely softening, and exfoliates your skin and you use it.
I tend to mix it in my bath as it creates some brilliant bubbles and smells amazing.
(This retails on there website at £8.50)



This is the I Divine (Original) Palette
I adore the colours in this palette and have done a swatch test for you so you can see the colours against the skin. As you can see the colours stand out really well against the skin.
The original palette contains a variety of highly-pigmented metallic colours, ranging from a bronze to purple. This is a long lasting mineral based eyeshadow
(This retails from their website £7.99)
I hope you liked my top beauty items for June 2014 please let me know your favourites in the comments below :)
Love Laura

Thursday 26 June 2014

The Perfect Victoria Sponge Cake

So some of you may have guessed I am slightly obsessed with making cakes (see my post on cupcakes), I have decided to share with you how I make my simple but yummy Victoria Sponge Cake.

First off the ingredients
6oz (170 Grams) of Softened Butter
6oz (170 Grams) of Caster Sugar
6oz (170 Grams) of Self Raising Flour
3 Medium Eggs
Icing Sugar
Strawberry Jam
Strawberries or Raspberries
First off arrange all your ingredients as it is much easier if they are already measured out and in bowls.
Pre Heat the oven to 180 degrees.
Grease 2 sandwich cake tins with butter and coat in flour this will prevent the cake from sticking to the pans.

In a large mixing bowl add together the butter and caster sugar and whisk together, add in the eggs and mix until you have a runny consistency.
Sieve in the flour and add 2 tablespoons of warm water. Mix this together until all ingredients have been completely mixed together.
Separate the mixture in to two sandwich tins, make sure you put in equal amounts of mixture in to both tins.
Smooth the mixture out in the two tins and place in your pre-heated oven for 15 minutes or until Golden brown. To test the cake is cooked place a sharp knife in the middle of the cake if the blade comes out clean the cake is cooked.
Remove from the oven and cool for at least an hour. Remove the cake from the cake tins and fill with a layer of butter cream.
To make the butter cream mix together butter and icing sugar to form the filling. Save some of the butter cream for decoration.
Also spread over the jam.
Place the cake on top of each other and smoother butter cream on the top of the cake also. Place strawberries and raspberries on the top of the cake and sprinkle with icing sugar.
Always serve with an amazing cup of tea!

Thursday 12 June 2014

Creating a Youtube Channel?

So I am debating whether or not to create a youtube channel.
I have been watching youtube video's for years and I love the idea of creating video's on and about the things I love.
I have been following the likes of Zoella, Sprinkle of Glitter and Tanya Burr for as long as I can remember and adore and admire everything they have done and achieved,

If I was to have even 1% of their success I would be overjoyed.
I love everything about the youtube community and I feel that people help people out.

What I'm trying to say is do you think it would be a good idea?
What types of videos do you like to watch?

Love Laura

Thursday 5 June 2014

Working in an All Male Environment

As you guessed from the title of this post I thought I would give and share my 5 key points of advice for working in an all Male environment and surviving.

1) Make Friends With Your Colleagues Both Male and Female
Your network is your biggest asset. Seriously, this might not seem the case now, but it really matters who your friends are in your field. You will have a lot of bitching in the office environment.
2) Learn To Take Criticism Well
Consider the validity of the feedback without getting too wrapped up in the emotion. No one is good at everything, you always have room to improve, no matter what you are doing, and the best way to grow is constructive critixism.
3) Go Looking For Advice
Some managers are afraid to give a women the feedback they need for fear of hurting our feelings but we need this advise to be able to succeed in the job role.
4) Life Is Too Short Not To Be Treated professionally
If someone with power over you is treating you unprofessionally, try to change the situation, get them to be held accountable for what is being said and if needs be go to your HR Adviser
5) Do What You Love
This is the most important point of them all don't ever stick with a job if it makes you unhappy you want to enjoy what you do. So don't stick a job just because it pays the bills find a job which you love and you will go far.
I hope this little points help in some way I know I have used some of these before.
Love Laura


Monday 2 June 2014

Motivational Monday #4

Hello Lovelies

 I am one to hold my hands up and say I have made so many mistakes in life from school to jobs to relationships. But they all show that you are trying I was never good at school and that showed when I can to completing my time and doing my exams I still managed to pass everything but only just and that is from me making mistakes and not studying or paying attention in class.
What I am trying to say even if you do make mistakes you are proving that you are trying and if at first you don't succeed try again don't ever give up because you have nade a mistake. Mistakes are there for us to learn from.
Toodlepip Laura x
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