Friday 14 August 2015

The Fun Question's Tag

I always want to be able to post really good things on my blog for you guys but sometimes I completely have a brain meltdown so I have done this Tag to cover one day as I don't want to let you down.

So here are the questions and my answers :)

When is your Birthday (you don't have to include the year if you don't want to)
11th April :)

What are your 3 favourite colours?
Purple, Silver, Navy

Are you addicted to YouTube?
A little bit I do enjoy watching a number of people and I have recently started to create my channel again

What are your 3 favourite shops?
Well this one is an easy one my favourites are
New Look

Do you like your name?
I do actually really like my name

If you had the choice to pick your own name what would it be?
I love the name Jasmin so probably that

Do you wear Make-Up ?
I do wear it most days but sometimes its just nice to have a none make up day

If you could write a book what would the title be and what would it be about?
I would probably call it The Independent Girl and it would be able someone who comes from a dysfunctional family but works her way up to everything she dreams about

What makes you cry?
Loads of things make me cry I am a right wimp

What makes you angry?
People who drive like idiots, I have driven past and been involved in a number of accidents that didn't need to happen if people just drove sensible

What are your favourite snacks?
I love Marmite so this on toast or bread is perfect for me
I also like the odd pack of crisps

What is your favourite drink?
I do love a good Iced Tea 

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I am adopted, I lived with my family for 24 years then moved in to a flat with my boyfriend. I have worked since the age of 16 and have been made redundant 4 times in this period. I love food and cooking cupcakes. I am also a rugby player

What are 10 Random facts about you?
I have size 3 feet
I have anxiety when it comes to crowds
I love animals (I currently can only have fish in my flat)
I love taking Photographs
I can't remember the last time I didn't dye my hair
I love a good action film
I make a mean Cottage Pie (which I put Baked Bean in)
I am obsessed with PUGS I will own one!!
I love holidays in England (well Cornwall to be precise)
I am allergic to Wasp's and Cat Fur

What are your favourite things to do?
I love a weekend when I don't have to leave the flat or when Scott and I get time together and don't have to have plans. They are the best to be able to order a pizza and have a film night. But I do love our little trips out to the beach which is roughly an hour and a half away from where we live.

I hope you have liked this little Tag post please feel free to post yours below also leave me your blog links and I am always looking for new people to follow 

Follow me on the below

Twitter - Follow Me Here <---
Blogger - Follow Me Here <---
Instagram - Follow Me Here <---

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Couple of Weeks Break from Blogging

Hi everyone,

So I decided that I needed a little break from writing my Blog.
I have had my blog for just over a year now and I have tried to write on it at least once a week.
My issue recently has been that with my 2 jobs I haven't physically or mentally had the time to be able to sit for a good few hours and write blog posts and I am sorry for this!

But now I am back and I am in the right frame of mind to do this.
I have even decided to go back to starting my youtube channel :)

Please let me know in the comments what your favourite videos are and also please send me links to your blogs and I am looking for new blogs to read and start to follow

