Monday 2 February 2015

Motivational Monday #12


I get a lot of stick for what I do from working two jobs to also running my blog. A lot of people have told me to give up on my blog and not to bother and people won’t read it. I have been given a lot of stick for running my blog people have criticised me on what I have written. People seem to find it easier to judge you when they don’t know you.
Stay away from people who try and do this I find they do this as they are little and haven’t got anything better to do.
Ignore the haters!
Love Laura

Sunday 1 February 2015

What to do in DUBLIN

So for Christmas last year my sister and her partner have treated Mr P and I to a trip to DUBLIN, and I am ever so excited we fly out on the 2nd February for 2 nights and 3 days.

But I need peoples advice what is the best thing to do in Dublin were are the best places to go. I want to be able to go to Mr P with ideas of what we can do whilst we are there.

So my amazing blog friends please advise me!

Have any of you ever been?

Let me know :)

Love you all 
