Wednesday 21 October 2015

Rugby World Cup Quarter Finals - Ireland vs Argentina

So lets start from the beginning.....

Two weeks ago my Uncle gave me a quick call as my Auntie hasn't been very well, he was ringing me to give me the opportunity to go to the Rugby World Cup with him in Cardiff to watch Ireland vs Argentina in the quarter finals.

Of course with me being a massive rugby fan I jumped at the chance of going, so for the two weeks I was waiting for an official answer as to whether I would be going or not. So on Saturday (the day before the game) my Uncle called me to let me know that my Auntie would not be going to the game, but there was a catch he also would not be going. This was at 6pm so I have 12 hours to find someone to go with me for an epic day travelling to Cardiff (I live in the Midlands so it was roughly a 2 hour journey each way) I asked Mr P and he was not interested as he isn't the biggest rugby fan so I was racking my brain as to who to take with me. I rang my mum and put the idea to her about my dad coming with me.


So that was it we had to very quickly plan what we where going to do.. so bless my dad he decided to do the driving to Hereford for me for us to be able to catch the train so me being the best daughter ever made him Bacon Sandwiches for the journey.

He picked me up at about 6.30am to be able to get to Hereford to catch our train (more importantly to get a parking space) we where 45 minutes early so popped in to Hereford to have a cup of Tea before the Journey.
We managed to get a seat on the train on the way to Hereford which was great as so many people had to stand up.
Once in Cardiff the atmosphere was amazing so many different people singing and drinking, people were trying to sell tickets last minute, people selling scarves and flags and people doing face painting (which I would do if I wasn't allergic to it)
We tried to meet up with my cousins before getting to the stadium but I just couldn't here them on the end of the phone it was sooooooooooooooo noisy!
So we decided to meet them in the stadium. Walking to the stadium with a sea of people in Green and Light Blue was an experience and just having random people talking to me was different. I get a little bit panicky in busy places and my anxiety started to kick in. 
We got searched going in to the stadium as your not allowed to take any bottles in which is understandable.
We managed to meet up with one of my cousins and her partner before the match as we where sat next to each other which was brilliant my dad decided to buy all the drinks (which for a stadium were a really good price) 
The game was really good it was a shame that Ireland lost but Argentina completely out played them and deserved the win. The singing of the National Anthems gave me goose bumps as the Millennium Stadium had the roof closed which made it so much louder. We where sat with a group of Irish supporters all around us which made the experience so much better.
At the end of the match it was like a stampede trying to get out the stadium but my dad and I decided to stay a bit until more of the supporters had left just to make it easier for us.

The train journey back was shocking they had only provided 2 carriages for a start and the amount of people that had to cram on the train. Dad and I managed to get on but we had to stand, and the amount of people pushing against us was stupid. I got a little worked up 

All in all the experience was amazing, and its something I wont be able to do again for a long time. I am so glad for the opportunity I just wish it was on a better occasion.

Speak to you all soon 

Laura x

Friday 14 August 2015

The Fun Question's Tag

I always want to be able to post really good things on my blog for you guys but sometimes I completely have a brain meltdown so I have done this Tag to cover one day as I don't want to let you down.

So here are the questions and my answers :)

When is your Birthday (you don't have to include the year if you don't want to)
11th April :)

What are your 3 favourite colours?
Purple, Silver, Navy

Are you addicted to YouTube?
A little bit I do enjoy watching a number of people and I have recently started to create my channel again

What are your 3 favourite shops?
Well this one is an easy one my favourites are
New Look

Do you like your name?
I do actually really like my name

If you had the choice to pick your own name what would it be?
I love the name Jasmin so probably that

Do you wear Make-Up ?
I do wear it most days but sometimes its just nice to have a none make up day

If you could write a book what would the title be and what would it be about?
I would probably call it The Independent Girl and it would be able someone who comes from a dysfunctional family but works her way up to everything she dreams about

What makes you cry?
Loads of things make me cry I am a right wimp

What makes you angry?
People who drive like idiots, I have driven past and been involved in a number of accidents that didn't need to happen if people just drove sensible

What are your favourite snacks?
I love Marmite so this on toast or bread is perfect for me
I also like the odd pack of crisps

What is your favourite drink?
I do love a good Iced Tea 

Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I am adopted, I lived with my family for 24 years then moved in to a flat with my boyfriend. I have worked since the age of 16 and have been made redundant 4 times in this period. I love food and cooking cupcakes. I am also a rugby player

What are 10 Random facts about you?
I have size 3 feet
I have anxiety when it comes to crowds
I love animals (I currently can only have fish in my flat)
I love taking Photographs
I can't remember the last time I didn't dye my hair
I love a good action film
I make a mean Cottage Pie (which I put Baked Bean in)
I am obsessed with PUGS I will own one!!
I love holidays in England (well Cornwall to be precise)
I am allergic to Wasp's and Cat Fur

What are your favourite things to do?
I love a weekend when I don't have to leave the flat or when Scott and I get time together and don't have to have plans. They are the best to be able to order a pizza and have a film night. But I do love our little trips out to the beach which is roughly an hour and a half away from where we live.

I hope you have liked this little Tag post please feel free to post yours below also leave me your blog links and I am always looking for new people to follow 

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